Saturday, 12 May 2007

swifts & tea

Five swifts screaming through the air, yesterday evening, they really are here. A pair come within arms reach of my window. below a cat looks up and watched me, I stare down past my calico cat mug at it. Here they are again, close

Then a new tisane mix of elderflower, linden blossom, calendula and roses is made. I smell the jasmine that follows me since the back massage that I had late this afternoon, my lower back feels better than it has done for several years. There are ways to ease pain beyond codeine...but they cost money!

This afternoon I am at my parents because it seems that is where I am needed most. So I walk the dog up to the chickens. I throw them corn, I throw a second scoop to try and spread them out, prevent the squabbling, but it lands exactly where the first scoopful did. I am reminded of my A' level art teacher, Aneirin Jones, who in the first lesson made us throw away our erasers and draw in biro or ink - he said if we rubbed out a line we would draw it back in the same place, one of the most valuable lessons I ever learnt with regard to drawing. Strange how the stream of thought diverts and wanders. The quince tree has had a caterpillar invasion. The shower turned to liquid sunshine, then ceased, though black clouds rush over the hills illuminated by the sun. It is turning into the longest sunny dry spell of the day......

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