Friday, 11 November 2011

I have made, I think, the final edit of  the work in the post below.
How does the process work?

I suppose there is a chance that I might fiddle some more.
At the moment there is some other stuff that cannot find form, why do I even continue?

suddeny I think of a section of writing from Stuff & Nonsense in Textile, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 220–249 by Claire Pajaczkowska

"In the spectrum of losses that structure life from birth to death the presence of cloth is a central signifier that differentiates nature from culture, and thereby remains forever liminal in its cultural significance. This liminality is held, like a smell in the meaning of the word “stuff,” a translation of the French word étoffe, cloth. It has become a term for generic “thingness,” unspecified materiality, in way that eloquently represents our ambiguous relationship to textiles that we experience as neither object nor subject, but as the threshold between. It is this quality of non-sense that makes textiles especially interesting."

so here I am leaving notes that might help me with some scribblings that I have not shared

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